20 septiembre 2009

Soy un palentólogo

Nos enteramos a través de nuestro amigo El Vinosaurio de la existencia de "I'm a paleontologist" (Soy un paleontólogo), una de la canciones incluidas en el nuevo disco, "Here comes Science" (Aqúí viene la ciencia). Las letras en inglés y español están en El Vinosaurio.

Este grupo ya es famoso entre los aficionados a la paleontología por su canción Mammal, la cual narra la historia evolutiva y características diagnósticas de los mamíferos. Os adjuntamos la letras en inglés:

Glass of Milk
Standing in between extinction in the cold
and explosive radiating growth
So the warm blood flows
Through the large four-chambered heart
Maintaining the very high metabolism rate they have
Mammal, mammal
Their names are called
They raise a paw
The bat, the cat
Dolphin and dog
Koala bear and hog
One of us might lose his hair
But you're reminded that it once was there
From the embryonic whale to the monkey with no tail
So the warm blood flowswith the red blood cells lacking nuclei
Through the large four-chambered heart
Maintaining the very high metabolism rate they have
Mammal, mammal
Their names are called
They raise a paw
The bat, the cat
Dolphin and dog
Koala bear and hog
Placental the sister of her brother Marsupial
Their cousin called Monotreme
Dead uncle Allotheria
Mammal, mammal
Their names are called
They raise a paw
The bat, the cat
Dolphin and dog
Koala bear and hog
The fox, the ox
Giraffe and shrew
Echidna, caribou

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